Teal Academy

Developed, Improved & New Skills

Successful organizations continually assess and define how they collaborate, work, and telecommute in a rapidly changing world. This requires not only training but a shift in perspective. How does an individual prefer to learn? Can changes in behavior be sustained? Is improved performance the likely outcome and to what degree? The TealSpace approach to learning and development utilizes assessments and 360 reviews to understand the individual’s highest potential and broadest aptitude to learn new skill sets.

Professional & Development Solutions

Our customized Learning and Development Programs begin by aligning your talent strategy with your company’s mission, goals and objectives. From there we help you to identify the new skills and capabilities needed by the organization. We work with you to design and create a plan to implement talent development and learning opportunities. Programs that are experiential, personalized, and scalable for both the individual and your organization. Below are some of our core offerings. We are happy to help you begin with a training needs analysis.
It may be time to rethink the ways sales should be done from the customer’s perspective. Often this leads to new success profiles and sales methodologies. These steps lead to assessments and identifications of the capabilities and skill gaps for both individual team members and at the collective team level
To lose a high potential employee to another organization often translates to multiple missed opportunities for your organization and the individual. At TealSpace we can help you develop the high performers you know you have and the ones you may not have yet recognized. The process includes identifying leadership competencies needed today and tomorrow, which sets the stage for how we design your high potential program. We offer a portfolio of accelerator classes and coaching services to develop your emerging leaders.
Designed for senior executives TealSpace supports leaders as they envision new possibilities for their businesses. We facilitate a greater understanding of what really matters and why. This unique service serves leaders with deeper understandings of ownership and guides them in improving structures, aligning teams, streamlining decision making and shaping a culture where things done through shared successes.